Located in Parry Street Fremantle Military Art Program Australia will be opening their first dedicated space in Western Australia to showcase art, provide ongoing access to classes and a new meeting hub focussed around art for our veterans with a greater ability to connect and engage with community.
The space will evolve over time, engaging with artists within the community looking for studio space, a place to exhibit or to hold a class. This will be done on a fee for service basis and/or through supporting our program and its a win-win for everyone with veterans given access to more classes and artists. Its primary purpose though will be to provide a home for our veterans (current and former serving) to come and experience art through classes, participate in exhibiting works and allow the public to see and purchase work from veterans in a central place.
MAPAs new alliance with Legacy WA to lease the Fremantle building makes sense given our synergies for veterans and their families. This new positive relationship will mean we can continue to expand on the support we already provide in Western Australia.
Before we can get going though, the space will undergo a number of cosmetic improvements over the coming weeks and months to prepare it for classes and exhibiting work. We will also be undertaking a project to create a sensory courtyard garden space that can be utilised for relaxation, to undertake some creative art or we display and showcase large sculpture work. This provides further opportunity for local artists to be seen and supports a welcoming and calm place for our veterans to use.
"Its incredibly exciting. We have been working on finding a more suitable home for 2 years now with our needs falling on deaf ears and while this is temporary for the next two years, it allows us to expand in some of the areas we have been wanting including allowing greater engagement with community. There's a lot of work to be done first though to make this an art space and we need help and support from volunteers, both veteran and general community to prepare for opening. From helping us to clean, painting walls, removing old carpet and some gardening before we can hang art and get our classes underway." - Leza Howie, Founder of MAPA.
This Sunday the building will be open with all "excess" furniture not marked to remain, being sold by Legacy WA. You can purchase by a donation and there are no price reserves. There are lots of desks and general office furniture and other items, some in good condition providing a bargain for anyone looking for one. If you would like to come and view the items, the doors are open from:
7am - 6pm
Sunday 17th February
17 Parry Street Fremantle
All goods must be taken on the day.
MAPA aims to have this space ready as quickly as possible for an expected opening during March so its all hands on deck and all help is appreciated. If you are interested in helping as a volunteer, interested in classes or use of facilities, help with supplies for our facelift please contact us directly at militaryartprogram@hotmail.com we would be grateful to hear from you.