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Summertime Art Exhibition

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MAPA's newest art exhibition kicks off this weekend with over 40 artists from WA and a few from NSW contributing to over 300 artworks that will support our fundraising efforts for our arts program and our Art in the Field kits, Supporting Veterans Through Art.

With a wide range of artworks (framed and unframed), sculptures and ceramics there is some amazing work for sale from artists such as Andy Quilty, Ross Potter, Dan Gladden, Sally Edmonds, Ben Pronk, Jodi Daley, Caroline McGregor, Carolyn Trowbridge and so many more.

With a dozen veterans as well as professional and award-winning artists, our Veterans Art Centre at 17 Parry Street Fremantle has turned into a beautiful gallery and exhibition space that will include an outdoor area, so BYO coffee or grab one with us and relax.

Included over the 2 weekend exhibition is our first artist in residence - Narelle Higson and the first open studio, with art demonstrations from several artists. Purchased art is released on sale and replaced with additional works in storage waiting for their opportunity to be shine!

Saturday morning 11th January our Patron Retd LtCol Ben Pronk, former Commanding Officer of SASR and also an acclaimed artist in his own right having been a finalist in the Australian Memorial's Napier Waller Art Prize and the Black Swan Salon de Refuses, he will be talking live on ABC radio for MAPA about art and our exhibition, so tune in to hear more from this great interview.

We look forward to our first exhibition for 2020 and hope you will make a trip to the Veterans Art Centre to visit us.

17 Parry Street Fremantle

9:00am - 5:00pm

11-12 & 18-19 January.

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